Grosse Ile High School Clubs and Organizations

Joining a club or organization during high school is an incredible opportunity that can enrich your high school experience in countless ways. Not only does it allow you to pursue your passions and interests, but it also helps you develop valuable skills such as leadership, teamwork, and time management. Being part of a club can introduce you to new friends and create a sense of community, making your high school years more enjoyable and memorable. Additionally, involvement in extracurricular activities can enhance your college applications and resumes, showcasing your commitment and initiative to future employers or admissions officers. Whether you're interested in sports, arts, science, debate, or volunteering, there's a club for you that will help you grow, learn, and make lasting memories. So take the leap, get involved, and make the most of your high school journey!

If you are interested in a club please reach out to the Advisor to learn more!

Club/Organization Criteria

Thinking about launching a club based on your interests and those of your friends? Here are the criteria for getting started with your shared interests.

  1. Club/Organization must submit a constitution that identifies the purpose of the club, to the School Principal for approval.

    • The constitution must consist of the following:

      • Name of the Club

      • Must be exclusively for supplemental educational purposes

      • Shall not have fewer than 5 members from the student body

      • At least 2 meetings per month. Meeting schedule to be provided at time of request.

  1. Club/Organization must have at least one adult sponsor, either classified or certified, who is an employee of the District or an outside non-affiliate and must be approved by the School Principal.

  2. Club/Organization must elect officers and submit officer names and member names to the Principal.

  3. Club/Organization must establish bylaws

  4. Club/Organization must keep minutes for each meeting.

  5. Club/Organization will be evaluated each year to make sure the club is successful in membership and purpose.

Finally, arrange a meeting to present your club to the principal by visiting the main office to schedule an appointment.